Dog wanted walking at half past ten this evening. Usually he is tucked in his kennel for the evening by this hour, but on days that he is up late he tends to ask for one last walkaround.
It's one of those nights out there. Perfect summer on a Saturday. The stiff breeze we had all day has died down to an eddy. The temperatures are comfortable. The neighbors a street over have a small fire going - through the chain link fences I can see it glowing, and can hear the occasional snap and pop as it settles.
Hoggle heads out to the back yard, and I stumble along after, grateful for the light that is casting my shadow across the lawn ahead of me. It takes me a few moments to realize that it's not my neighbor's lamp but rather the moon tapping me on my shoulder.
Knowing my little point and shoot digital won't capture a clear image, I fetch it anyway, and take a few shots. I like the milky atmosphere in this shot. Those are clouds, of course, the gauzy veils of grandmother moon. As Mark and I stood and looked at the crisp silver light she was throwing off, the fireflies winked back at her in homage.