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July 29, 2003


I just found your blog and it is facinating!

I wanted to comment on Japenese Beatles. I live in the boonies in southern New Hampshire (zone 4 officially, but more like zone 3). We don't get sprayed for mosquitos and I garden organically, but I have noticed that the Japanese beetles are almost absent here this year too (usually my rosa rugosas are almost completely covered by them).

Maybe there is some sort of natural predator (disease or insect) that has found it's way into the population. I can only hope!

Hey! Glad you found the place!

I did notice the beetles, sometime later in the season... they seemed to stay away from the ferns and shastas that they had munched last year, and favored instead the weedy wild grape that had taken over a gall-poxed pussy willow (which I just removed a few weeks ago.)

So they were around, they just weren't 'pests' this year. I suspect next year the trend will change again.

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