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November 02, 2003


Well ya know, some of us will come work in the garden for food. :-)

Gods, enthusiastic company would be such a change from the norm, I would likely keel right over and expire...

I will help with yours if you will help with mine. But your week ends are so busy. When could we?

Er. Mom. So you can come to my house and sit around all queenly while I slave in my own garden? Somehow lacks any deep appeal.

What did you think you might do here?

Whereas I'm willing to help in anyone's garden, provided they feed me and keep me hydrated with copious amounts of cold water and Fresca. :-)

Mmm. Gemma. Your offers are getting more and more tempting... doing anything this weekend?

'Course, Saturday the predicted high is 36F. Urg. But sunny. Sunday will be warmer (45F) but cloudy with a 20% chance of rain. Bah.

But food I can provide. mmmm... food.

Mmm. Food. :-)

Saturday is bad for me because I've got to get a haircut and then I've got to go to a "gala" that evening.

Sunday, however, I'm wide open. If you want gardening help, I'm yours!

Erk. I have been reminded that I have a 'previous engagement' on Sunday. Bah. Such is life in my garden - deferred yet again...

Only for one more week.

I'll see you next weekend! :-)

*does the snoopy happy dance*

I'm looking forward to it! Now all I need to do is find my gardening gloves...

I look forward to this Fall season because I plan to do some gardening. I love doing these kind of stuff in this season.

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