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December 12, 2004


Thank you. A perfect description of the northern-ish experience of winter (Arctic Circle excepted)--and it puts things in perspective.

Hey, good to hear from you, Kathy. Are you resting that hand?

I've been unlucky enough only to get drips and drabs of snow thus far, even if I live further north.

But our time will come too, and the land will sleep underneath a white blanket here, too.

I love that.
You cheered me.

Wonderful post. Thank you. (Love the pic, too!)

Am resting my right hand by typing left hand only. Gotta quit feeling sorry for myself and make some difficult decisions.

Hey, Sally!

That's my oversized Chihuahua, Hoggle of Hogglebog.

When the sun shines in those southern windows, all us housebound critters tend to cluster in that warm light.

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