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December 21, 2004


What a great buy! And a nice way to commemorate the solstice.

So very jealous. Maybe this fall I will be able to save up enough to change my yard into the place I want to be. School has so destroyed my gardening time. I can not wait til spring!

Liz - We still need to find time to do those stepping stones.

I'v been looking for an excuse to buy an 'odjob' mixer for some time now...

And those hyacinths are yours, if you are interested!

Bill - I am such a bargain hound! The big plastic terracotta colored pot was another great deal. I bought two of them for $5/each a few years ago after the summer season.

The hardest part about the hunt for bargins is to not buy too much at full price, along with the bargains. Sort of defeats the fine purpose of the savings, at that point. I'm still working on this part!

That is quite the buy! Unfortunatetly, when I decide I want a plant or a bulb, I want to get it now (mainly so I do't forget about it later). So naturally, I miss bargains like that.

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