Song sparrows. Chipping sparrows. Chickadees. Bluebirds. Goldfinches. Northern Orioles. Hummingbirds. Sandhill cranes. Redwinged blackbirds. Nuthatches. Woodpeckers. Sapsuckers. Hawks: Sharpshinned, Cooper's, Redtailed, Redshouldered.
It has been quite an adventure, living in a semi-rural area. Muskrats groggily stumbling through the yard in spring. Voles on the sunporch. The skunk eating the windfallen fall apples. Displaced deer on their way to being road kill somewhere, the year they developed the swampy land south of here. Two fuzzy racoons in the sycamore tree, eating last year's seeds.
Toads and frogs and garter snakes.
Some of the birds will be everywhere I might move to. Crows. Grackles. Bluejays. Cardinals. Robins. Mourning doves. The ubiquitous outsiders: English sparrows, House finchs, and the Starlings.
The rest of nature's broad brush? I don't know. It will depend on where we end up. But I will miss this. This little corner lot, in an area where the wild is still around, in farmer's fields and the few overgrown woodlots that were once fields. Soon to be developed. All of it going away to grass and pavement and condos.
I'm moving back to pigeon territory. Ugh. That alone is enough to make me melancholy.
Hope you have enough room for a garden
Posted by: bill | May 06, 2005 at 09:24 PM
Oh man. Me too.
I made Mark's head go all 'splody' when I ran down my 'wish list' for the new place... Hee hee hee....
Posted by: djinn | May 09, 2005 at 09:28 AM
I just did the opposite move from DC to the exburbs of Atlanta. Now I have a gardener's dream (or at least my version of it anyway). My hubbie also rolled his eyes and after looking at 100+ placed in two weekends we found this place. And it stuck. I think it was waiting on us.
Maybe you will be as lucky as we were ... even the City offered us a mature Cherry tree, a hawk, tons of green space, and a lovely garden terrace with Southern exposure. You might get lucky too. Please don't be to sad. If you need anything - just ask.
Posted by: trixie | May 10, 2005 at 08:17 AM
Well, Trixie, I am keeping faith that we will find something that suits all requirements.
It's just my nature to be deeply rooted. Transplants are always a shock, with a long recovery period.
And while we prep this place for selling, I am not spending time in the garden, and that too is having consequences... (I've been a bad Jenn. But two Japanese Maple babies for under $40! Who could resist? I ask you.)
Posted by: djinn | May 10, 2005 at 02:10 PM