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May 06, 2005


Hope you have enough room for a garden

Oh man. Me too.

I made Mark's head go all 'splody' when I ran down my 'wish list' for the new place... Hee hee hee....

I just did the opposite move from DC to the exburbs of Atlanta. Now I have a gardener's dream (or at least my version of it anyway). My hubbie also rolled his eyes and after looking at 100+ placed in two weekends we found this place. And it stuck. I think it was waiting on us.

Maybe you will be as lucky as we were ... even the City offered us a mature Cherry tree, a hawk, tons of green space, and a lovely garden terrace with Southern exposure. You might get lucky too. Please don't be to sad. If you need anything - just ask.

Well, Trixie, I am keeping faith that we will find something that suits all requirements.

It's just my nature to be deeply rooted. Transplants are always a shock, with a long recovery period.

And while we prep this place for selling, I am not spending time in the garden, and that too is having consequences... (I've been a bad Jenn. But two Japanese Maple babies for under $40! Who could resist? I ask you.)

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