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February 14, 2006


Jenn, those are beautiful.
One of these days I am going to have to get a rose bush.

It's wonderful you get these rose bushes to come back to life. Helpful tips. Will these survive winter? They are gorgeous.

They are already dropping their lower leaves. By the time it gets warm enough on the porch to put them out there, they will look like a lost cause - bare stems with a leaf or two here or there... I pinch off any blooms that 'blast' and once they drop more than 50% of their leaves, I'll pinch any buds that develop.

Once the frost is past, I'll put them in the ground with some nice compost, and they will releaf - think about the southern gardeners and the enforced dormancy they have to create to produce flowers and keep the plant's health, and that's approximately what I do here.

And then they releaf, and usually bloom again the first year. The little own-root roses are typically pretty tough stuff. They just look like ugly ducklings when they go through their adjustment period.

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