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April 10, 2006


How very adventurous of you!

Great project! I've been collecting year old grafts of japanese maples. I wanted to have the known "look" of the maple rather than having a Heinz 57 variety. If I had more time I would be doing just what you are -buying seeds and seeing what different variations appear. Please post pictures and let us know how the trees turn out.

Wow! 50 Japanese Maples. What a joy! I have fallen in love with them since I moved to California 20 years ago. They are the only maples that grow well here in the hot San Fernando Valley. Mine is a lovely burgundy color both at the beginning and end of each season.

I often tell friends that if I could start my own garden (this one was already established when we bought the property) I would have plenty of Japanese Maples.


Yes, indeed, a super journey. I can't wait to follow along. What a garden you will have!

Oh, what a project! I don't know where I'd plant 50 trees. I agree with the first comment - post pictures when you can.

These are just starting to get their second leaves. As soon as I get some of those up, I will get some photos up. Baby pictures!

You can find some other good Grafted Japanese Maples of the dissectum cultivars at Wheelers Greenhouse and Nursery

Thanks Bud. That's a plug that I'll leave up. I'm moving to Phoenix, so I don't think I'll be buying any more japanese acers for a while...

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