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December 13, 2006


Wonderful review. I've struggled a bit to get started reading the book, but reading what you wrote, I find I want to check out some of the essays. I am especially curious about the fungus and the essay by Geoffrey B. Charlesworth...

I'll be including you in the wrap up post at the end of December. Thanks for participating!

Hi Carol.

I will find it interesting to see what others think of the light and dark/ high and low aspects of the book.

That's a great review, Jenn. I should make a note of that book...I have two serious gardening friends, though I've already bought their Christmas prezzies. One is a professional, designs and oversees commercial landscaping projects all over the east half of the US, and has a degree in...botany, or something.
I always enjoyed D.H. Lawrence. Books and poetry both.

I was disappointed to find out that this book is just a compilation of old articles; I'd love to see a new version.

Ha! Don, who's on your list to ask?

I'd have to be a smart ass and include Martha Stewart - surely she has a favorite, no? I used to get her mag just for the picture spreads she would do on flowers - one of these days I'm going to tear into all those back issues and just pull out those lovely photos.

And Hinkley, and Druse again, and... wow. So many, huh?

Maybe we can all go to our favorite little nursery and ask the owners? Or the owners of those little websites like Ken Asmus at Oikos Tree Crops, or Russell Stafford at Odyssey Bulbs?

Or do you think we should all blog *our* favorite plants, and then paper publish the best of?

I must be cabin crazy, already. I like this idea.

I like the idea of all blogging about their favorite plant, too. In fact, I suggested that those who could not find the book or find the time to read the book could do just that, write about their favorite plant. I am going to post a reminder about that later this evening.

Jenn, I don't know if I want to read this book or not--not just based on your review, but also the reviews of other Garden Bloggers. I did love the page you found with the physoplexis and other alpine plants. Now I'm trying to figure out where I could put an alpine garden!

(By the way, I can't tell you how many of Martha's sumptuous layouts that I have torn out of her books through the years. How can she make everything from photograph negatives to thumbles look like such high art? I aspire to the magazine's level of presentation...)

Hey Kim:

It's an interesting book. A surprise choice for the second book out in our reading series.

I did enjoy the rest of the book. It's just a really uneven assortment of works.

As for alpines - I've been contemplating a miniatures garden for years, and have an assortment of small hostas as a start. I'm thinking about making something in hypertufa to house these little guys.

Your review makes me think I'll enjoy this book eventually [it was ordered, but didn't arrive], and I do like collections of essays. Thanks, Jenn.

I love our hypertufa - go for it!

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

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