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January 20, 2007


What happened to part 3?
Did I miss it?

Ah, Zoey; It'll be coming around. I'll repost it to the top so it won't be lost...

Meanwhile, life is just crazy.
Not all of us have your energy level m'dear!

Thanks for sharing your horticultural thoughts and pictures.
I really enjoy learning about other happenings miles away from my Tennessee home.
Happy gardening!!!!

Oh yeah, patience is my middle name - just ask my husband about that. Frost is coming so do the outside stuff first.

Thank for the chortle, Annie. Cheered me up on what is a very grey, dreary day!

Just me.......poking again...........
It's cold, rainy and windy and I have nothing to do but read blogs!

Hope life's craziness is calming down for you.

Oh, dear. I am going out of town tomorrow for a four day weekend. Going to dissapoint you, Zoey. Sorry.

But your poke is going to get me off my *** and off to get packing. Good timing!


thanks for visiting my blog and sharing in my grief and shock over losing Molly. It helps so much to know that so many people cared.

>>>>>poke, poke>>>>>>>

Thanks for visiting, so sorry you have snow now!

I just found your blog---El over at Weeds Between the Cracks pointed me your way because I commented on how few garden bloggers there seem to be from MI.

Anyway, I took a look at LACASA tour parts 1 & 2....looking forward to part three....especially since nothing's blooming outside anymore :-(

DUH...I meant "Fast Grow the Weeds," not "Weeds Between the Cracks." I read way, way too many garden blogs....

I just got caught up on Parts 1 & 2, can't wait for part 3. Did I miss it??

No, Carol, you haven't missed anything. I've not put number three together yet, but I keep pushing it up on the page to keep it in my mind!

Getting there, was sorting photos last night. Need to process them through the crop and reduce stages, and then get the text put together. Need a bit of uninterupted time to do all that...

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