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March 20, 2007


so you are not in AZ anymore?

Huh, not one flower on my rosemary. What's your secret?

Bill. Mark and I traded places, he's in Az, and I am up here, supposedly packing up, but spending more time on getting our old jobs put to bed.

Kathy. I think they would like to be in 50F weather for most of the winter, with a dip to the high 30s right before they bloom in the 40s.
With our warm start to the winter this year, this plant set more buds than I've seen before. Still, it looks meager compared to the monstrous lush bushes out in AZ. Those things actually looked blue from the car, they were so loaded with flower.
I'm taking cuttings of this bush with me to plant in the ground down there. We'll see how that works out.

Also Kathy, they like a cold greenhouse, with high humiditity. If you have one or could set your plant in a really cold and bright area it will do better than just in the house at normal human temperatures.

Jenn, it sounds as if you chose a good time to return - just to see the houseplants in flower:)

Good luck with the packing up.


Jenn, it sounds as if you chose a good time to return - just to see the houseplants in flower:)

Good luck with the packing up.


I can smell that rosemary now!
Happy Spring!!

Hi Jenn,

Happy Easter!

HOpe your packing is going well.

Are you moved yet???

Not yet. Current ETA in Arizona is the week of April 29th...

I have one rosemary bush growing outdoors that is thriving, but has never produced more than a handful of blossoms. I wonder if some varieties just aren't the blooming type?

Nice post. We are "enjoying" our spring weather here in Wisconsin. We are watching the final melt off from our eight inches of snow last week. What a wet mess that was! I have to say, the bulbs and buds don't seem too much worse for the wear. A little ice burn and crinkling around the edges, but not bad. Glad I'm not on the East coast today!
Sharon and Snickers

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