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November 09, 2007


You are late. I got my T&M catalog in October.

Ha! Kathy, that's funny. I had to go out to there site and renew my catalog request, since I moved I hadn't notified them. Which explains why I was so far behind the mass mailing in October. ...

It's good to hear from you Jenn - those cool sleeping nights are so welcome when they come, aren't they? We've had some, too.

In Austin we plant shrubs, trees and perennials in fall and winter so most of the national catalogs won't work for us either. Have fun hiking!

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Bailey will be so good at agility training! :)

Seed companies everywhere must have heard about our miserable excuse for a garden this past year... no catalogs for us so far!

Glad to see a new post!

Being on the wrong side of zone 8 that way (I assume you are too warm) is just plain strange.

Great photo of your doggies!

The daughter of one of my friends moved from here in Ohio to Albuquerque and she had to get used to a total change in her garden, too. An adventure, right? ;-)

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