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February 05, 2008


I think the Canadian geese hang out with all the elderly Canadians who spend part of their winters in AZ.

Oh Kate,

Now I'm laughing. That's perfect!

Canada geese in Arizona!?! Hahaha! I'll start handing out flyers about "Beautiful Arizona" to the gangs of them here in Brooklyn! (Just kidding. Hey, send us some snow geese and Inca doves!)

Oh, Brenda. Thank you. You brought a little tear of mirth to my eye.

I needed that.

Good luck with your new career as avian travel agent!

If you're staring to accumulate a cool birding library check out this book. It has birds stories but all nature as well and it is THE most awesome book. The Animal Dialogues by Craig Childs; it's a collection of short stories and they will blow you away. They are just right for a quiet start to the day; read a story with your morning coffee and then head on out to see what's up in the world.
Sibley's Guide to Birds is also a great buy, it'll be dog-eared quickly and a compaion book of Sibley's Guide to Bird Life & Behavior is a good reference. Enjoy

Thanks, Jacci.

I'll look those up.

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