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March 15, 2008


What a pretty coral color! I have found with my purple mallow, that if I cut off the stalks after the first flowering, I can get a second bloom out of them.

However, how well that will work in the desert may be another story!

What a beaut! It looks a lot like Sidalcea (same family), the false mallow; and since that's a nice clear magenta, I'd love to grow the pair of them together. I suspect this would only be an annual here, though, even if I could find the seeds somewhere.

I just found your blog and enjoyed the beautiful pictures of the mallow. My daughter also recently moved to Phoenix, and I went to see her the end of January, my first trip to the Southwest. While there, I visited the Desert Botanical Gardens and loved it. Good luck with your new garden; I'll be back to visit your site again.

Oo, pretty! It must be both fun and confounding to have to get used to all sorts of 'new' plants!

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