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March 26, 2009


Ha ha ha. Go Jenn!

Knock on wood here, I haven't had this issue yet. My blog is still young I guess.

Thanks for the laugh, Jenn.

Sounds like a plan. I'm not gonna sell you anything.

Bill, your page is the perfect model - have a blog that talks about your interests, including work - sell the work aspect on the sidebar.

But even the folks that link their names straight to a commercial site - I wouldn't mind that if they weren't selling with the name, too...

Thanks, Deb! I'm not in the market for any monkeys, that's why I come over to visit yours!

Comment spam: the cross we all have to bear.

I feel your pain. Luckily, I don't get too much of that stuff, but what I do get is a pain in the derrier!

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