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April 10, 2009


Excellent timing Jenn! Looks like Beaver Tail blooms? I haven't had any success with them here. The Javelina love them too much :-(

That's a brand new pad I got from Ruthie - I don't remember what it is, but I am surprised it's blooming after being snapped off the mother plant. Desert plants are so amazing.

OOOH - Pretty!

Here, the grass is just starting to green up. Waiting for the early bloomers like daffodils to brighten up the landscape.

Hey Bogie!

I'm trying to figure out what kind of spring bulbs I can use down here. We can put amaryllis in the ground. Which continues to boggle me.

I've seen daffs, too. But I don't know if they were prechilled and set out, more effort than I want to put in each year.

I keep looking.

You have got a really quite different temperature zone. I am living in Germany and the plant season just in April began. But we need greenhouses to have such plants. Winter becomes down to -20 degrees.
Best wishes to Arizona.
A garden friend from Germany

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