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January 24, 2013


Explain to the spousal unit how much money your saving by bringing the plants in so they can live and don't have to be replaced. Maybe that will help?

Loree - I did that with I think some success - I've got aloes in the front that are just now blooming - they were acquired as offsets or picked up at Home Depot in their 2 or 3 dollar pot collection... time has given them value.

When I went looking at large plants at the local nursery the other day, I was impressed at HOW MUCH value.

So I told him, look, I've done the work on these and am about to get my reward (first year of blooms) IF they die, I want to replace them with similarly sized specimens, and that will cost between 40 and 80 dollars per plant.

He stopped grumbling about the $40 spent on frost cloth, clamp lamp and spot light...

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