East side of yard.
Around the corner to the north side of the house, and the patio.
The other side of the patio door.
Moving along the wall.
One of two potting areas, this one stuffed to the gills.
Plant area right up to the single-paned window. This becomes a refuge area when the nighttime temps exceed 90* and the plants go into crisis mode. If I'm stuck with windows that bleed the cool air, I might was well get a benefit from them! There is another area like this at the kitchen window on the east side of the house.
Coming back to the patio.
The other side of that display.
Moving toward the pond tanks.
Pond one - just set up and not made pretty yet. Pond two, below, will soon be another black plastic stock tank and the plants will get redistributed between the two ponds.
And that's (most) of the backyard.