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July 30, 2015


Love this combo, and have really been enjoying this series of posts! You should count your containers and join in the fun here:

I should! Maybe sometime this weekend.

Containers: a total of 368 pots on this property. 180 are what I consider 'fancy' - something other than the nursery pot or a basic terra cotta job.

I water three times a week in the summer. Once a week in winter.

Location: Phoenix.
I'm a renter. Not a single plant in the ground. All up in pots.

Right now we are going through the annual cull month. August and its scorching temperatures always takes out a fair number of succulents. Looks like the number will be around 30 this year. Sometimes I will bring plants in for this month, but I could use a little attrition.

Considering I just brought 4 more in today. Addict. No doubt about it.

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